General Information

What is Kajabi?
Kajabi is an online learning platform the GRI uses to provide access to various training videos and resources.   GRMS are given specific password access...
Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 at 5:04 PM
What is meant by Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors (KABB)?
A common health education strategy for changing behaviors is frequently referred to as Knowledge, Attitudes, Beliefs, and Behaviors (KABB). The principle...
Tue, 29 Aug, 2023 at 2:44 PM
What is the License and Service Agreement (LSA)?
Each person applying for the GRM 4-Day Foundational Certification training must read and agree to the GRM License and Service Agreement (LSA).  The L...
Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 at 5:17 PM
What is a Loss History Graph (LHG)?
The Loss History Graph (LHG) is the first major “new tool” shared in the Grief Recovery Method. This exercise asks the participant to make a linear graph...
Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 at 5:25 PM
What is the GRM Marketing Coaching?
The GRI recognizes the importance of, and need for, specialized marketing strategies to encourage individuals to engage in the GRM programs. To meet that...
Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 at 5:26 PM
What is a GRM micro-website or microsite?
Each GRMS, who has signed the 2018 License and Service Agreement (LSA) and who remains current with their basic annual renewal process, is eligible to ha...
Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 at 5:29 PM
What is an onboarding call?
Each newly certified GRMS is expected to participate in a personal, one-hour onboarding call with a member of the GRI Support Team.   The topics disc...
Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 at 5:32 PM
What is the Online Capabilities Training (OCT)?
In the Spring of 2023, the Advanced Online Training became the Online Capabilities Training. The Online Capabilities Training is comprised of four traini...
Mon, 21 Aug, 2023 at 7:09 PM
What is an open forum?
An open forum is a frequently used phrase to describe an open talk or seminar, primarily providing basic GRM educational information and encouraging part...
Tue, 22 Aug, 2023 at 9:12 AM
What is a Personal Workshop (PW)?
The GRM can be provided by highly trained and experienced GRMS in a 2-2.5 day format.  This is known as the Personal Workshop. Currently (3/2023), only G...
Tue, 22 Aug, 2023 at 9:14 AM