The 90-Day Challenge was a program format initially provided for grievers directly through the GRI staff and designated Advanced GRMS (by invitation and contract). Grievers would learn about the program on the GRI main website and sign up for one of the scheduled sessions. The format included the standard 8-week online group format plus an additional 4-session Alumni format - allowing them to complete two relationships during the course of the program. 

The goals of this format were:  

1) To allow the GRI to provide some direct programs for grievers.

2) To "pilot test" this offering as a lead-in to participants signing up for the GRMS training.

3) To document the process, the pros and cons of such an offering, and provide insights to GRMS on how they might also offer this format most effectively.  

It was also intended that upon completing the 90 days if participants wanted to do more alumni work, they would be encouraged to find a GRMS of their choosing with whom to continue that work.

This program ceased and was replaced with the "60-Day Emotional Healing Course" in August 2023.