To renew your GRMS license, follow these steps:

  1. Log into the Grief Recovery website, if needed you can reset your password here as well:

  1. Once logged in, click on the green person icon near the shopping cart to access your personal account information on the website:

  1. If this is your first-year renewal, you will need to take the Quality Assurance Review before proceeding to the payment screen:

  • Please allow 15-20 minutes to take a 15-question open-book quiz.

  • If you don't pass, Lois Hall will contact you with the correct answers and the next steps to retake the quiz.

  • Once you pass the quiz, you will be taken to the payment screen. 


  1. Once in your account area, click on the My Subscriptions tab, and then click Renew Now.

  1. Once you add your payment, you will see a check box to click to set your card to default. By checking that box, all future renewal payments will be processed automatically on the anniversary date of your certification. 

  1. If you received notice of a failed payment, it might mean that the card you have on file has expired or needs an updated address. To update or change the card on file, click on the Stored Cards tab and then on the word Edit to make a change, or click on Add a Card if you want to add a new card. 

  2. That's it! Congratulations on completing the renewal process.